Monday, June 7, 2010

Someone needs a haircut...

... and that someone is ME! It's on the list of top priorities, but it just doesn't ever seem to happen. My sister would criticize me (big time) if she knew about this. I guess it's just part of being away from home. Your physical appearance, along with your perspective and outlook on life, are bound to change.

I have less than two months left in Kenya, and it's interesting now to look back on the year in retrospect. I've seen a lot of change and progress taking place. At work, I feel like I have accomplished good things, especially building and improving my organization's website (check it out: I've also gained confidence in everyday tasks... like cooking/cleaning for myself. And killing cockroaches. Seriously. Creepy crawlies including ants, cockroaches, and slugs have been a significant part of my living experience in Kenya.

Assertiveness is another quality I've picked up while living in Nairobi. Simple activities like boarding a bus or 'matatu' require a level of pushiness that never existed in me before. I've also improved my bargaining tactics, though I always hate doing it. I've had psycho shopkeepers literally yell in my face when I stick to the price I know is reasonable.

I wonder how the transition to life back in St. Paul, Minnesota will be when I arrive home in August. From my past travels I know that the culture shock upon re-entry can be worse than when you first arrive in a new place. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain the personal growth I've experienced in my year abroad. But I'm talking about growth in a conceptual way. When I get home, the first item on my agenda will be a hair cut!

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